potomstwo: Ice Lupi del Nord
- płeć:samiec
- data urodzenia:2016-03-29
- zarejestruj:LO1686455
- uprawnienia hodowlane od:nieznana
- HD:A
- ED:0
- mielopatia:N/N
- karłowatość:N/N
⁑ = potomkowie
6 potomstwo 1. pokolenie
descedants | Dog | Year Birth | HD | ED | DM | DW | Father | x | Mother |
Typhoon Shadow of the Phoenix | 2020 | HD B | ED 0 | Ice Lupi del Nord | x | Athena Shadow of the Phoenix | |||
Taku Shadow of the Phoenix | 2020 | HD C | ED 0 | Ice Lupi del Nord | x | Athena Shadow of the Phoenix | |||
Knik Shadow of the Phoenix | 2020 | Ice Lupi del Nord | x | Athena Shadow of the Phoenix | |||||
Zefiro Shadow of the Phoenix | 2020 | Ice Lupi del Nord | x | Athena Shadow of the Phoenix | |||||
Etesia Shadow of the Phoenix | 2020 | HD A | ED 0 | DM N/N | DW N/N | Ice Lupi del Nord | x | Athena Shadow of the Phoenix | |
Briza Shadow of the Phoenix | 2020 | Ice Lupi del Nord | x | Athena Shadow of the Phoenix |