Nachkommen: Javir Kuklík
- Geschlecht:männlich
- Geburtsdatum:2013-07-25
- Register:CMKU/CSV/3613/13
- Übernahmeregister:DK01669/2014
- Zuchtzulasung seit:2017
- HD:A
- ED:0
- Degenerative Myelopathie:N/N
- Hypophysärer Zwergwuchs:N/N
⁑ = Nachkommen
3 Nachkommen 1. Generation
descedants | Dog | Year Birth | HD | ED | DM | DW | Father | x | Mother |
⁑ | Malcolm Merlin of Marvelwood | 2019 | HD HD grad D (D + D) | ED 0-0 | DM N/N | HZ N/N | Javir Kuklík | x | Quassia II od Úhoště |
League of Assassins Nyssa of Marvelwood | 2019 | Javir Kuklík | x | Quassia II od Úhoště | |||||
Freyia of Marvelwood | 2019 | Javir Kuklík | x | Quassia II od Úhoště |
1 Nachkommen 2. Generation
descedants | Dog | Year Birth | HD | ED | DM | DW | Father | x | Mother |
North Howling Wolves Albus Wulfrick | 2021 | Malcolm Merlin of Marvelwood | x | Juka III Od Úhoště |