
progeny: Besi z Malého rájefemale

Besi z Malého ráje
  • Gender:female
  • Date of birth:2006-12-08
  • Register:CMKU/CSV/2040/06
  • Breeding license since:unknown

⁑ = Offspring

16 progeny 1. generation

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Desca Black Sea Wolfdog 2013 Aslan z Ploštínskych lúk x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Deva Black Sea Wolfdog 2013 Aslan z Ploštínskych lúk x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Greta Black Sea Wolfdog 2013 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog 2013 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Gia Black Sea Wolfdog 2013 HD EFalco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender G-Buck Black Sea Wolfdog 2013 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Lykos Black Sea Wolfdog 2014 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Luna Black Sea Wolfdog 2014 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Lira Black Sea Wolfdog 2014 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender L-Djina Black Sea Wolfdog 2014 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Largo Black Sea Wolfdog 2014 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender L-Kazimir Black Sea Wolfdog 2014 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender L-Arrow Black Sea Wolfdog 2014 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Leonardo Black Sea Wolfdog 2014 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Timur Black Sea Wolfdog 2015 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje
gender Tamira Black Sea Wolfdog 2015 Falco II od Úhoště x Besi z Malého ráje

11 progeny 2. generation

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Ridik Black Sea Wolfdog 2015 C-Tark Black Sea Wolfdog x Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Rino Black Sea Wolfdog 2015 C-Tark Black Sea Wolfdog x Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Remus Black Sea Wolfdog 2015 C-Tark Black Sea Wolfdog x Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Rona Black Sea Wolfdog 2015 C-Tark Black Sea Wolfdog x Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Riva Black Sea Wolfdog 2015 C-Tark Black Sea Wolfdog x Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Alistar II Black Sea Wolfdog 2017 Timber spod Ďumbiera x Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Alba Black Sea Wolfdog 2017 Timber spod Ďumbiera x Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog
gender The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta 2019 Saqui des Gitans Noirs x Gebra Black Sea Wolfdog
gender The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo 2018 Timber spod Ďumbiera x Tamira Black Sea Wolfdog
gender The Black Sea Wolfdog Kenta 2018 Timber spod Ďumbiera x Tamira Black Sea Wolfdog
gender The Black Sea Wolfdog Kerry 2018 Timber spod Ďumbiera x Tamira Black Sea Wolfdog

37 progeny 3. generation

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Amira from a brave wolfpack NON-FCI 2018 Alistar II Black Sea Wolfdog x Utopia Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Amalia from a brave wolfpack NON-FCI 2018 Alistar II Black Sea Wolfdog x Utopia Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Bakira from a brave wolfpack NON-FCI 2018 Alistar II Black Sea Wolfdog x Utopia Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Balto-Sif from a brave wolfpack NON-FCI 2018 Alistar II Black Sea Wolfdog x Utopia Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Centaurus Samson from a brave wolfpack NON-FCI 2020 Alistar II Black Sea Wolfdog x Utopia Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Centaurus Thor from a brave wolfpack NON-FCI 2020 Alistar II Black Sea Wolfdog x Utopia Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Amaruq Unka Wolves 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Tarak x Alba Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Alaska Unka Wolves 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Tarak x Alba Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Aviva Wolves of Transylvania 2020 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Astra Wolves of Transylvania 2020 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Aprilia Wolves of Transylvania 2020 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Black Forest Wolves of Transylvania 2021 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Blue Sky Wolves of Transylvania 2021 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Bella Ciao Wolves of Transylvania 2021 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Bella Gioia Wolves of Transylvania 2021 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Bella Nova Wolves of Transylvania 2021 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Bella Luna Wolves of Transylvania 2021 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Bella Terra Wolves of Transylvania 2021 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Django Wolves of Transylvania 2022 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Djaiko Wolves of Transylvania 2022 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Dor Wolves of Transylvania 2022 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Dhalia Wolves of Transylvania 2022 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Djazzy Wolves of Transylvania 2022 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Dream Wolves of Transylvania 2022 Dacul de Cid si Kira x The Black Sea Wolfdog Nesta
gender Eva Del Lupus Smyrna 2020 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Mila Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Elmas Del Lupus Smyrna 2020 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Mila Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Efe Del Lupus Smyrna 2020 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Mila Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Eböru Del Lupus Smyrna 2020 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Mila Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Ebörte Del Lupus Smyrna 2020 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Mila Black Sea Wolfdog
gender F. Altay Del Lupus Smyrna 2021 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Carmen Del Lupus Smyrna
gender F.Lupus Del Lupus Smyrna 2021 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Carmen Del Lupus Smyrna
gender Feriha Del Lupus Smyrna 2021 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Carmen Del Lupus Smyrna
gender F.Asya Del Lupus Smyrna 2021 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Carmen Del Lupus Smyrna
gender F.Pars Del Lupus Smyrna 2021 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Carmen Del Lupus Smyrna
gender Galileo Del Lupus Smyrna 2021 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Mila Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Galfa Del Lupus Smyrna 2021 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Mila Black Sea Wolfdog
gender Han Del Lupus Smyrna 2021 The Black Sea Wolfdog Kempo x Anka Del Lupus Smyrna