
Wolfdog Land flag

Wolfdog Land

Alberto Cepedano Cańón

Avda. Reino de León, B204 Urb. Camino de Santiago

Villadangos del Páramo


+34 987 390600

Gossos en propietat

Pic Dog
Ira von der WolfsschleifeIra von der WolfsschleifefemellaHD AED 0/0DM N/DMDW N/N
Volker Vieno kraujoVolker Vieno kraujomascleHD AED 0/0DM N/NDW N/N
Zoray Lupus IbericusZoray Lupus IbericusfemellaHD AED 0/0DM N/NDW N/N
Zyron de Estrella del SolZyron de Estrella del Solmascle

Gossos d'aquesta Llar de Gossos: 54

2018-07-05 Magnus Malý Bysterec x Cassiopea Infinity Love Wolfdog Land
Hanna Wolfdog Land Hanna Wolfdog Land femella
Hell Boy Wolfdog Land Hell Boy Wolfdog Land mascle
Hello Kitty Wolfdog Land Hello Kitty Wolfdog Land femella
Hermione Wolfdog Land Hermione Wolfdog Land femella
Homer Wolfdog Land Homer Wolfdog Land mascle
2017-05-04 Blotáhunka Šungmánitu-ha Khoyáke x Zoray Lupus Ibericus
Gabreta Yatapika Wolfdog Land Gabreta Yatapika Wolfdog Land femella HD A (0/0) ED 0-0 DM N/N DW N/N
Galanka Moravia Wolfdog Land Galanka Moravia Wolfdog Land femella
Gambrinus Golden King Wolfdog Land Gambrinus Golden King Wolfdog Land mascle
Gentleman Karel Hartl Wolfdog Land Gentleman Karel Hartl Wolfdog Land mascle
Gerlach Carpatian Giant Wolfdog Land Gerlach Carpatian Giant Wolfdog Land mascle
Golem Old Town Legend Wolfdog Land Golem Old Town Legend Wolfdog Land mascle
Goralka Tatranka Wolfdog Land Goralka Tatranka Wolfdog Land femella
Gotika Perchta Z Rožmberka Wolfdog Land Gotika Perchta Z Rožmberka Wolfdog Land femella
Grida Rusava Wolfdog Land Grida Rusava Wolfdog Land femella
2016-12-17 Foresta Incantata Boromir x Ira von der Wolfsschleife
Fantasy The Only One Wolfdog Land Fantasy The Only One Wolfdog Land femella HD B ED A/A DM N/N DW N/N
2016-06-07 Volker Vieno kraujo x Zoray Lupus Ibericus
Easy Rider Wolfdog Land Easy Rider Wolfdog Land femella HD A ED BL DM N/N DW N/N
Eclipse Wolfdog Land Eclipse Wolfdog Land mascle
El Caballero Oscuro Klaush Wolfdog Land El Caballero Oscuro Klaush Wolfdog Land mascle
Elektra Wolfdog Land Elektra Wolfdog Land femella
Embajador Wolfdog Land Embajador Wolfdog Land mascle HD B ED A/A DM N/N DW N/N
Eragon Draco Wolfdog Land Eragon Draco Wolfdog Land mascle
Ever After Moose Wolfdog Land Ever After Moose Wolfdog Land mascle
Eye Of Tiger Wolfdog Land Eye Of Tiger Wolfdog Land mascle
2015-11-20 Volker Vieno kraujo x Ira von der Wolfsschleife
Dakota Wolfdog Land Dakota Wolfdog Land femella
Diamonds In The Sky Wolfdog Land Diamonds In The Sky Wolfdog Land femella
Diciembre Wolfdog Land Diciembre Wolfdog Land femella HD B ED 00 DM N/N DW N/N
Don´t Stop Me Now Eco Wolfdog Land Don´t Stop Me Now Eco Wolfdog Land femella
Dream On Danko Wolfdog Land Dream On Danko Wolfdog Land mascle
Dulcis in Fundo Wolfdog Land Dulcis in Fundo Wolfdog Land femella HD A DM N/N DW N/N
2014-09-22 Volker Vieno kraujo x Zoray Lupus Ibericus
Canis Major Atka Wolfdog Land Canis Major Atka Wolfdog Land mascle HD B
Capella Wolfdog Land Capella Wolfdog Land femella
Cassiopea Infinity Love Wolfdog Land Cassiopea Infinity Love Wolfdog Land femella HD A DM N/N DW N/N
Centaurus Nabar Wolfdog Land Centaurus Nabar Wolfdog Land mascle
Cor Coroli Wolfdog Land Cor Coroli Wolfdog Land mascle
Corona Borealis Wolfdog Land Corona Borealis Wolfdog Land femella HD B ED 0/0 DM N/N DW N/N
Cosmos Tchec Wolfdog Land Cosmos Tchec Wolfdog Land mascle
Cruz del Sur Maya Wolfdog Land Cruz del Sur Maya Wolfdog Land femella HD C DM N/N DW N/N
2013-12-03 Arimminum Namanaslù x Zoray Lupus Ibericus
Bahamas Beach Wolfdog Land Bahamas Beach Wolfdog Land mascle
Baku Prince of Persia Wolfdog Land Baku Prince of Persia Wolfdog Land mascle
Bali Drops Wolfdog Land Bali Drops Wolfdog Land mascle
Belfast Riot Wolfdog Land Belfast Riot Wolfdog Land mascle
Belice Wolfdog Land Belice Wolfdog Land mascle HD B DM N/N DW N/N
Berlin Magic Wolfdog Land Berlin Magic Wolfdog Land mascle
Boston Wolfdog Land Boston Wolfdog Land mascle HD B ED 0/0 DM N/N DW N/N
Buffalo Blues Wolfdog Land Buffalo Blues Wolfdog Land mascle
2012-06-07 Utukku z Peronówki x Zoray Lupus Ibericus
Aerosmith Wolfdog Land Aerosmith Wolfdog Land mascle
Alaska Wolfdog Land Alaska Wolfdog Land femella HD A DM N/DM DW N/N
Alegria Wolfdog Land Alegria Wolfdog Land femella
All you need is love Wolfdog Land All you need is love Wolfdog Land mascle
Alli Donde Soliamos Gritar Wolfdog Land Alli Donde Soliamos Gritar Wolfdog Land mascle HD A DM N/DM DW N/N
Amaral Wolfdog Land Amaral Wolfdog Land femella
Amy Wolfhouse Wolfdog Land Amy Wolfhouse Wolfdog Land femella HD A DM N/DM
Armagedon Wolfdog Land Armagedon Wolfdog Land mascle
Axel Rose Wolfdog Land Axel Rose Wolfdog Land mascle