
nakomelingen: Amalkatatrafemale

-Miriam Nurra (Tatra)-

  • geslacht:teef
  • geboortedag:2007-01-26
  • registreer:LO0769024
  • fok registratie sinds:onbekend
  • HD:A
  • ED:0-0
  • Degeneratieve Myelopathie:N/DM

⁑ = nakomelingen

52 nakomelingen 1. generatie

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Foresta Incantata Legolas 2008 HD BED 0Tristan x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Lenwe 2008 Tristan x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Lorgan 2008 Tristan x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Lorien 2008 Tristan x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Luinil 2008 HD BED BLTristan x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Luthien 2008 Tristan x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Paiute 2009 HD AED 0DM N/NZarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Pandora 2009 Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Pawnee 2009 Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Pern 2009 Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Powwaw 2009 Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Tadewi 2010 Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Taliesin 2010 HD BZarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Tarabon 2010 Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Tarja 2010 Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Teleri 2010 HD AED 0Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Teoden 2010 Zarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Torquil 2010 HD AED 0DM N/DMZarko x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Zyprian 2011 Cochise della Vittoria Alata x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Zowie 2011 Cochise della Vittoria Alata x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Zoran 2011 Cochise della Vittoria Alata x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Ziticala 2011 HD AED 0Cochise della Vittoria Alata x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Zirconia 2011 Cochise della Vittoria Alata x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Zillah 2011 Cochise della Vittoria Alata x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Ziana 2011 Cochise della Vittoria Alata x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Eywa 2012 Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Eragon 2012 Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Eowyn 2012 Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Elros 2012 Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Elostirion 2012 Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Elendur 2012 HD AED 0Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Eledwen 2012 Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Elduin 2012 Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Eldarin 2012 Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Earendil 2012 HD AED 0Amarok Arimminum x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Jumpin Jack Flash 2013 HD AED 0Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia 2013 HD C (2/0)ED 0-0Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Joleen 2013 Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata JJ the Enemy grey 2013 Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Jena 2013 Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Jannika 2013 HD AED 0Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Janis the Queen 2013 Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Janine 2013 Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer 2013 Zar z Molu Es x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Mitril 2014 Foresta Incantata Helcaraxe x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Persefone 2015 HD BED 0DM N/DMDW N/NBounty z Blatnických vinic x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Parsifal 2015 Bounty z Blatnických vinic x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Poison 2015 Bounty z Blatnických vinic x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Viking 2016 HD AED 0DM N/DMDW N/NDexter x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Valor 2016 Dexter x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Valkyria 2016 Dexter x Amalkatatra
gender Foresta Incantata Varys 2016 Dexter x Amalkatatra

95 nakomelingen 2. generatie

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Foresta Incantata Osgiliath 2015 Foresta Incantata Kiowa x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Orcrist 2015 Foresta Incantata Kiowa x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Ombromanto 2015 Foresta Incantata Kiowa x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Tauron 2016 Foresta Incantata Belfagor x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Thranduil 2016 HD AED ODM N/NDW N/DWForesta Incantata Belfagor x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Telchar 2016 Foresta Incantata Belfagor x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Azog 2017 Seth x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Angus 2017 Seth x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Alasdair 2017 Seth x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Abraxas 2017 Seth x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Foresta Incantata Arwin 2017 Seth x Foresta Incantata Paiute
gender Viola Zivago 2012 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Wolf 2012 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Morgan 2012 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Fuchsia 2012 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Dark 2012 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Ercole 2012 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Fufy 2012 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Yumah 2014 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Nadira 2014 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Zuma 2014 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Ombra 2014 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Argo 2014 HD AED 0Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Shadow Zivago 2014 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Moog 2016 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Alaska 2016 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Bella-zivago 2016 Foresta Incantata Pern x Foresta Incantata Queen
gender Sansone 2015 Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Saturno 2015 HD AED 0Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Sicheo 2015 Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Scipione 2015 Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Sibilla 2015 Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Segesta 2015 Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Stafilo 2015 Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Selene 2015 Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Scilla 2015 HD AED 0Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Sidonia 2015 Axel x Foresta Incantata Ziticala
gender Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov 2016 HD BED 0DM N/NDW N/NAres x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Radagast 2016 Ares x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Ramingo 2016 Ares x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Raven 2016 HD AED BLAres x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Rian 2016 Ares x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Rowen 2016 Ares x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Ysengard 2017 Gladio della Vittoria Alata x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Yannick 2017 Gladio della Vittoria Alata x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Yaden 2017 HD BED 0-0DM N/NDW N/NGladio della Vittoria Alata x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Ymogen 2017 Gladio della Vittoria Alata x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Yngrid 2017 HD AED 0DM N/NDW N/NGladio della Vittoria Alata x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Foresta Incantata Yvette 2017 Gladio della Vittoria Alata x Foresta Incantata Jolie le Loup Artisia
gender Axel 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Maya
gender Lupo 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Maya
gender Ryu 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Maya
gender Gold 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Maya
gender Greta 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Maya
gender Bianca 2016 HD DED 0Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Maya
gender Emma 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Maya
gender Anuk 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Maya
gender Skah 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Aurora
gender Achak 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Aurora
gender Aquene 2016 HD BED 0Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Aurora
gender Tama 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Aurora
gender Waki 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Aurora
gender Tamaska 2016 Foresta Incantata Jack the Killer x Aurora
gender Foresta Incantata Elrond 2018 HD AED 0DM N/NDW N/NForesta Incantata Gorgoroth x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Eriador 2018 Foresta Incantata Gorgoroth x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Eoghan 2018 Foresta Incantata Gorgoroth x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Elendil 2018 Foresta Incantata Gorgoroth x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Engwar 2018 Foresta Incantata Gorgoroth x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Eretria 2018 Foresta Incantata Gorgoroth x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Ossiriand 2020 Foresta Incantata Zoltan x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Ohtar 2020 Foresta Incantata Zoltan x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Ohanko 2020 Foresta Incantata Zoltan x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Ovestron 2020 Foresta Incantata Zoltan x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Orion Noour 2020 Foresta Incantata Zoltan x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Orodreth 2020 Foresta Incantata Zoltan x Foresta Incantata Persefone
gender Foresta Incantata Falkon 2018 Foresta Incantata Viking x Foresta Incantata Falmari
gender Foresta Incantata Koromas 2019 Foresta Incantata Viking x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Kmer 2019 Foresta Incantata Viking x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Kronos 2019 Foresta Incantata Viking x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Kortirion 2019 HD DED 0Foresta Incantata Viking x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Kawin 2019 Foresta Incantata Viking x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Kelusindi 2019 Foresta Incantata Viking x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Kalorme 2019 Foresta Incantata Viking x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Kopas 2019 Foresta Incantata Viking x Etika z Molu Es
gender Buck 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Ares 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Thor 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Logan 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Loth 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Astra 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Zoe 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Leia 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Luna 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Shila 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys
gender Maya 2019 Foresta Incantata Warhead x Foresta Incantata Varys

187 nakomelingen 3. generatie

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Foresta Incantata Ikarus 2019 Foresta Incantata Thranduil x Foresta Incantata Dorlomin
gender Foresta Incantata Ironwolf 2019 Foresta Incantata Thranduil x Foresta Incantata Dorlomin
gender Foresta Incantata Ilmarie 2019 Foresta Incantata Thranduil x Foresta Incantata Dorlomin
gender Foresta Incantata Iffrin 2019 Foresta Incantata Thranduil x Foresta Incantata Dorlomin
gender Foresta Incantata Izilbeth 2019 Foresta Incantata Thranduil x Foresta Incantata Dorlomin
gender Leo 2015 Morgan x Atena
gender Koura 2015 Morgan x Atena
gender Kaos 2015 Morgan x Atena
gender Yago 2015 Morgan x Atena
gender Kaja 2015 Morgan x Atena
gender Tala 2015 HD AED 0Morgan x Atena
gender Timon 2016 Morgan x Atena
gender Argo 2016 Morgan x Atena
gender Dakota 2016 Morgan x Atena
gender Nascha 2016 Morgan x Atena
gender Naira 2016 Morgan x Atena
gender Mito 2017 Morgan x Atena
gender Kira 2017 Morgan x Atena
gender Sissy 2017 Morgan x Atena
gender Peggy 2017 Morgan x Atena
gender Maia 2017 Morgan x Atena
gender Athena 2017 Morgan x Atena
gender Uma 2017 Morgan x Atena
gender Ares 2018 Morgan x Atena
gender Axel 2018 Morgan x Atena
gender Baloo 2018 Morgan x Atena
gender Aron 2018 Morgan x Atena
gender Stark 2018 Morgan x Atena
gender Ariel 2018 Morgan x Atena
gender Anahi 2018 Morgan x Atena
gender Ania 2018 Morgan x Atena
gender Aleck 2015 C'Dunkan Spirito Libero x Fuchsia
gender Aaron 2015 C'Dunkan Spirito Libero x Fuchsia
gender Mya 2015 C'Dunkan Spirito Libero x Fuchsia
gender Kira 2015 C'Dunkan Spirito Libero x Fuchsia
gender Akira 2015 HD AED 0C'Dunkan Spirito Libero x Fuchsia
gender Samantha 2015 C'Dunkan Spirito Libero x Fuchsia
gender Keira 2015 C'Dunkan Spirito Libero x Fuchsia
gender Ulik 2016 Yumah x Uma
gender Agon 2016 Yumah x Uma
gender Ursula 2016 Yumah x Uma
gender Ulya 2016 Yumah x Uma
gender Marley 2016 Argo x Esme
gender Jhon 2016 Argo x Esme
gender Rufus 2016 Argo x Esme
gender Maggie 2016 Argo x Esme
gender Blue 2016 Argo x Esme
gender Arya 2016 Argo x Esme
gender Luci 2016 Argo x Esme
gender Foresta Incantata Cracken 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Cartomante 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Cardolan 2018 HD AED 0DM N/NDW N/NForesta Incantata Rachmaninov x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Calen 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Crime 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Corollaire 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Dorlas 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Falmari
gender Foresta Incantata Diablo 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Falmari
gender Foresta Incantata Demonic 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Falmari
gender Foresta Incantata Dagor Nuin Giliath 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Falmari
gender Foresta Incantata Dream 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Falmari
gender Foresta Incantata Dark Lady Wolf 2018 HD AED 0DM N/DMDW N/NForesta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Falmari
gender Foresta Incantata Delirium Wild 2018 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Falmari
gender Foresta Incantata Quest 2020 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Silmarien
gender Foresta Incantata Quinglion 2020 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Silmarien
gender Foresta Incantata Quark 2020 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Silmarien
gender Foresta Incantata Quarry 2020 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Silmarien
gender Foresta Incantata Quenya 2020 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Silmarien
gender Foresta Incantata Quendi 2020 Foresta Incantata Rachmaninov x Foresta Incantata Silmarien
gender Foresta Incantata Handir 2018 HD CForesta Incantata Raven x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Huor 2018 Foresta Incantata Raven x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Haldir 2018 Foresta Incantata Raven x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Hador 2018 HD AED 0DM N/NDW N/NForesta Incantata Raven x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Hurin 2018 Foresta Incantata Raven x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Haret 2018 Foresta Incantata Raven x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Haleth 2018 Foresta Incantata Raven x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Hiliron 2018 Foresta Incantata Raven x Etika z Molu Es
gender Oslo 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Orkan 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender O'Nemerions 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Oki 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender O'Luna 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Opium 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender O'Shana 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Ocarina 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender O'Kyiyu de la Meute des Loups du Var 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender O'Maikan de la Meute des Loups du Var 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Oggi de la Meute des Loups du Var 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Olympia de la Meute des Loups du Var 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Oksana de la Meute des Loups du Var 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Osiris de la Meute des Loups du Var 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Orla de la Meute des Loups du Var 2018 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Ranger de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender R'Akela de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Rakan de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Roy de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Ralph de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Row de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Raziel de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 Hares x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender R'Akela de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender River de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Roku de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Raj de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender R'Aiko de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Ragnarock de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender R'Cassiopee de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Rasta Comanche de la Meute des Loups du Var 2020 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Saiko de la Meute des Loups du Var 2021 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender S'Wolf King de la Meute des Loups du Var 2021 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender S'Ryouk de la Meute des Loups du Var 2021 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Sept de la Meute des Loups du Var 2021 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender S'Haiko de la Meute des Loups du Var 2021 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Suro de la Meute des Loups du Var 2021 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender S'Loki de la Meute des Loups du Var 2021 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender S'Lara de la Meute des Loups du Var 2021 N'Koona x Foresta Incantata Rian
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Holly 2018 HD aDM N/NDW N/NForesta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Ivy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Harry 2018 HD bED freeDM N/NDW N/NForesta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Ivy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Helios 2018 DM N/NForesta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Ivy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Hígado 2018 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Ivy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Hattie 2018 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Ivy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Oscar 2019 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Tamy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Oszi 2019 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Tamy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Odee 2019 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Tamy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Yaqub 2020 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Yasir 2020 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Y'Ashgard 2020 HD aED 0DM N/DMDW N/NForesta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Yaeger 2020 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Wolf Street Indian 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Tamy
gender Wolf Street Ice 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Tamy
gender Wolf Street Ice Cream 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Tamy
gender Wolf Street Ice Queen 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Tamy
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Mirko 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Lola
gender Crying Wolf 1996 May 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Lola
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Maisie 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Lola
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Mana 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Lola
gender Crying Wolf Porthos 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Crying Wolf Percival 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Crying Wolf Pixel 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Crying Wolf Pilgrim 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Crying Wolf Pepper 2022 Foresta Incantata Yaden x Crying Wolf 1996 Piper
gender Foresta Incantata Lindelos 2019 HD AED 0DM N/NDW N/DWForesta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Lokte Loki 2019 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Lumin 2019 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Lisgardh 2019 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Lothiriel 2019 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Leithien 2019 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Laurelin 2019 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Astrix 2023 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Arendelle 2023 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Actarus 2023 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Artica 2023 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Arkengemma 2023 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Arcana 2023 Foresta Incantata Uther x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Wolf 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Black 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Grey 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Rocky 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Stella 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Cometa 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Venere 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Rosa 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Luna 2018 Gold x Clea
gender Zack 2018 Wolfrun x Bianca
gender Kim 2018 Wolfrun x Bianca
gender Freya 2018 Wolfrun x Bianca
gender Kira 2018 Wolfrun x Bianca
gender Hayley 2018 Wolfrun x Bianca
gender Rhum 2020 Achak x Calviceps Purpurea
gender Mojito 2020 Achak x Calviceps Purpurea
gender Spritz 2020 Achak x Calviceps Purpurea
gender Champagne 2020 Achak x Calviceps Purpurea
gender Margarita 2020 Achak x Calviceps Purpurea
gender Foresta Incantata Jackyl 2019 HD AED 0DM N/NDW N/NForesta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Jayhawks 2019 Foresta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Jewel Nikita 2019 Foresta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Prince 2021 Foresta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Jewel Nikita
gender Trinity 2021 Foresta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Jewel Nikita
gender Leila 2021 Foresta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Jewel Nikita
gender Foresta Incantata Justice 2019 Foresta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Journey 2019 HD AED 0DM N/NDW N/NForesta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Jazz 2019 HD AED 0Foresta Incantata Elrond x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Peregrino Tuc 2020 Foresta Incantata Elrond x Etika z Molu Es
gender Foresta Incantata Palurien 2020 Foresta Incantata Elrond x Etika z Molu Es
gender Thor 2021 Foresta Incantata Koromas x Krizia
gender Becky 2021 Foresta Incantata Koromas x Krizia
gender Selvaggia 2021 Foresta Incantata Koromas x Krizia
gender Tekila 2021 Foresta Incantata Koromas x Krizia
gender Alaska 2021 Foresta Incantata Koromas x Krizia

194 nakomelingen 4. generatie

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Argo 2020 Kaos x Keyla
gender Buck 2020 Kaos x Keyla
gender Yuma 2020 Kaos x Keyla
gender Zeus 2020 Kaos x Keyla
gender Yas 2020 Kaos x Keyla
gender Sula 2020 Kaos x Keyla
gender Rei 2020 Kaos x Keyla
gender Ares 2021 Kaos x Keyla
gender Loki 2021 Kaos x Keyla
gender Giove 2021 Kaos x Keyla
gender Athena 2021 Kaos x Keyla
gender Kimba 2021 Kaos x Keyla
gender Misa 2021 Kaos x Keyla
gender Ziva 2021 Kaos x Keyla
gender Yuma 2018 Grom x Nascha
gender Ares 2018 Grom x Nascha
gender Tramonto 2018 Grom x Nascha
gender Kayla 2018 Grom x Nascha
gender Zelda 2018 Grom x Nascha
gender Zeus 2019 Grom x Nascha
gender Aaron 2019 Grom x Nascha
gender Bella 2019 Grom x Nascha
gender Eris 2019 Grom x Nascha
gender Zara 2019 Grom x Nascha
gender Lexa 2019 Grom x Nascha
gender Elan 2018 Grom x Naira
gender Kenny 2018 Grom x Naira
gender Bucefalo 2018 Grom x Naira
gender Summer 2018 Grom x Naira
gender Gaia 2018 Grom x Naira
gender Estrella 2018 Grom x Naira
gender Yuma 2018 HD AED 0DM N/NDW N/NGrom x Naira
gender Kuba 2019 Grom x Naira
gender Shakira 2019 Grom x Naira
gender Kira 2019 Grom x Naira
gender Aurora 2019 Grom x Naira
gender Dylan 2020 Grom x Naira
gender Axel 2020 Grom x Naira
gender Noma 2020 Grom x Naira
gender Django 2020 Grom x Naira
gender Bounty 2020 Grom x Naira
gender Sveva 2020 Grom x Naira
gender Savana 2020 Grom x Naira
gender Frida 2020 Grom x Naira
gender Brenin 2020 Stark x Yuma-Haumea
gender Hades 2020 Stark x Yuma-Haumea
gender Kazan 2020 Stark x Yuma-Haumea
gender Husaria 2020 Stark x Yuma-Haumea
gender Yuma 2020 Stark x Yuma-Haumea
gender Barabaruhibaru 2016 HD BED 0Eragon Sulle Orme del Lupo x Akira
gender Katia Sulle Orme del Lupo Hibaru 2016 HD AED 0Eragon Sulle Orme del Lupo x Akira
gender Darco 2020 Jhon x Ariel
gender Lemon 2020 Jhon x Ariel
gender Luna 2020 Jhon x Ariel
gender Ayla 2020 Jhon x Ariel
gender Alaska 2020 Jhon x Ariel
gender Foresta Incantata Neithan 2020 Foresta Incantata Cardolan x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Nargothrond 2020 Foresta Incantata Cardolan x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Nuath 2020 Foresta Incantata Cardolan x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Noldor 2020 Foresta Incantata Cardolan x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Nerwen Lilith 2020 Foresta Incantata Cardolan x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Narya 2020 Foresta Incantata Cardolan x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Nirnaeth 2020 Foresta Incantata Cardolan x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Narbeleth 2020 Foresta Incantata Cardolan x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Beowulf 2023 Foresta Incantata Dorlas x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Baggins 2023 Foresta Incantata Dorlas x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Brea 2023 Foresta Incantata Dorlas x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Bereth 2023 Foresta Incantata Dorlas x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Beren 2023 Foresta Incantata Dorlas x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Belaurin 2023 Foresta Incantata Dorlas x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Balar 2023 Foresta Incantata Dorlas x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Rohan 2021 Logan Wolverine Spirito Libero x Foresta Incantata Dark Lady Wolf
gender Foresta Incantata Riddermark 2021 Logan Wolverine Spirito Libero x Foresta Incantata Dark Lady Wolf
gender Foresta Incantata Ramseth 2021 Logan Wolverine Spirito Libero x Foresta Incantata Dark Lady Wolf
gender Foresta Incantata Rohirrim 2021 Logan Wolverine Spirito Libero x Foresta Incantata Dark Lady Wolf
gender Foresta Incantata Ruin 2021 Logan Wolverine Spirito Libero x Foresta Incantata Dark Lady Wolf
gender Foresta Incantata Roxy 2021 Logan Wolverine Spirito Libero x Foresta Incantata Dark Lady Wolf
gender Foresta Incantata Wrath of Wolf 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Witching Hour 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Witcher 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Wildwizard 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Whitestar 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Warewolf 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Witchwolf 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Wildflower 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Warlock 2022 Foresta Incantata Hador x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Tayko de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender T'Goku de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender Tequila de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender Tess de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender Tabatha de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender Tina de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender Theis de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender Tresor Numenor de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender Thalia de la Meute des Loups du Var 2022 Oslo x Oki
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Brave Lupo 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Beowulf x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Bloody Togo 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Beowulf x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Bee Maya 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Beowulf x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Blondie Tara 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Beowulf x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 B'Leika 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Beowulf x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Hidalgo 2021 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Hamlet 2021 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Hamilton 2021 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Hawk 2021 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Hannah 2021 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf 1996 Hector 2021 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Nanook Otis 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Nazir Zeus 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Nicolas Barton 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Nyina 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Naira 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Niesha 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Nayeli 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Nootka 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Nadine 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Tayte 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Tupi 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Thora 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Thyra 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Tana 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Tilda 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Kilian x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Akela 2024 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Belodor 2024 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Crying Wolf Blanche 2024 Brutus Albadellupo x Crying Wolf 1996 Holly
gender Jumper von Königs Terry 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Julio von Königs Terry 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Joel von Königs Terry 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Juliane von Königs Terry 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Jana von Königs Terry 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Arrow 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Anna 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Abby Shyra 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender J - Tor 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Banja von Königs Terry
gender J2 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Banja von Königs Terry
gender J3 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Banja von Königs Terry
gender Jamila 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Banja von Königs Terry
gender Jazel 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Banja von Königs Terry
gender J6 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Banja von Königs Terry
gender J7 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Banja von Königs Terry
gender Johera 2022 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Banja von Königs Terry
gender Buddy Dark 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Bria Rocky 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Bogdana Kora 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Bliss Kira 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Bella Rio 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Brooke Miya 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Bonnie 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Buffy von Königs Terry
gender Umberto Von Konigs-Terry VON KONIGS-TERRY 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Ulfreda Von Konigs-Terry VON KONIGS-TERRY 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Ulfin VON KONIGS-TERRY 2023 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Fendo Von Konigs-Terry VON KONIGS-TERRY 2025 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Frida Von Konigs-Terry VON KONIGS-TERRY 2025 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Faya Von Konigs-Terry VON KONIGS-TERRY 2025 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Farah Von Konigs-Terry VON KONIGS-TERRY 2025 Crying Wolf 1996 Harry x Zena von Königs Terry
gender Beregil Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Bran Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Bard Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Beregond Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Balto Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Bella Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Berenil Ingarian 2020 HD DCrying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Bali Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Conan Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Cirion Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Celeborn Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Ciara Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Cirdan Ingarian 2020 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Darius Ingarian 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Dante Ingarian 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Dragon Ingarian 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Delilah Ingarian 2021 Crying Wolf 1996 Helios x Aisha Ingarian
gender Foresta Incantata Sauron 2021 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Saruman 2021 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Sindarin 2021 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Serinde 2021 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Journey
gender Foresta Incantata Vladtepes 2022 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Varg 2022 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Vampire 2022 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Valinor 2022 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Vilya 2022 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Valar 2022 Foresta Incantata Lindelos x Foresta Incantata Xiana
gender Foresta Incantata Uruk-Kai 2021 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Ulstan 2021 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Uresia 2021 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Urwendi 2021 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Umanyar 2021 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Uineniel 2021 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Yoros 2022 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Yorg 2022 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Yanneck 2022 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Yarinda 2022 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Yanette 2022 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Yamileth 2022 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid
gender Foresta Incantata Yaelle 2022 Foresta Incantata Jackyl x Foresta Incantata Yngrid

9 nakomelingen 5. generatie

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender L'incanto del lupo Balto 2021 L'incanto del lupo Spettro x Yuma
gender L'incanto del lupo Aaron 2021 L'incanto del lupo Spettro x Yuma
gender L'incanto del lupo Buk 2021 L'incanto del lupo Spettro x Yuma
gender Flocky 2021 Arax x Aurora
gender Tyson 2021 Arax x Aurora
gender Dakota 2021 Arax x Aurora
gender Athena 2021 Arax x Aurora
gender Queen 2021 Arax x Aurora
gender Ivory 2021 Arax x Aurora