
Hiwatari flag


Joy C.

30633 Danielsville

Vereinigte Staaten


Chiens possédés

Pic Dog
Conan IV od ÚhoštěConan IV od ÚhoštěMaleDysplasie hanches GoodDysplasie coudes Normal DM N/NDW N/N
Conjuring at Fable v NathedaConjuring at Fable v NathedaFemelleDysplasie hanches Excellent Dysplasie coudes Normal DM N/NDW N/DW
Frolík IV od ÚhoštěFrolík IV od ÚhoštěMaleDM N/DMDW N/N
Hančí III Od ÚhoštěHančí III Od ÚhoštěFemelleDysplasie hanches GoodDysplasie coudes NormalDM N/NDW N/N
Hiwatari Avatar MaiHiwatari Avatar MaiFemelleDM N/NDW N/N
Hiwatari Bit Beast WolborgHiwatari Bit Beast WolborgFemelleDM N/NDW N/N
Sounds Wild Of Hungary DeithwenSounds Wild Of Hungary DeithwenMaleDM N/NDW N/N
Trmík III Od ÚhoštěTrmík III Od ÚhoštěMaleDysplasie hanches GoodDysplasie coudes Normal DM N/NDW N/DW
Yákob III od ÚhoštěYákob III od ÚhoštěMaleDysplasie hanches GoodDysplasie coudes Normal DM N/NDW N/N
Yulka III od ÚhoštěYulka III od ÚhoštěFemelleDM N/NDW N/N
Kiki III Od ÚhoštěKiki III Od ÚhoštěFemelleDysplasie hanches GoodDysplasie coudes Normal DM N/NDW N/N

Chiens de cet élevage: 20

2024-11-11 Yákob III od Úhoště x Hančí III Od Úhoště
Hiwatari Cardcaptor Ruby Hiwatari Cardcaptor Ruby Femelle DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Cardcaptor Touya Hiwatari Cardcaptor Touya Male DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Cardcaptor Yukito Hiwatari Cardcaptor Yukito Male DM N/N DW N/N
2024-05-09 Conan IV od Úhoště x Conjuring at Fable v Natheda
Hiwatari Bit Beast Ariel Hiwatari Bit Beast Ariel Femelle
Hiwatari Bit Beast Cerberus Hiwatari Bit Beast Cerberus Male DM N/N DW N/DW
Hiwatari Bit Beast Dragoon Hiwatari Bit Beast Dragoon Male DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Bit Beast Dranzer Hiwatari Bit Beast Dranzer Femelle DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Bit Beast Gabriel Hiwatari Bit Beast Gabriel Male DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Bit Beast Wolborg Hiwatari Bit Beast Wolborg Femelle DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Bit Beast Zeus Hiwatari Bit Beast Zeus Male DM N/N DW N/N
2022-12-23 Trmík III Od Úhoště x Kiki III Od Úhoště
Hiwatari Avatar Hakoda Hiwatari Avatar Hakoda Male DM N/N DW N/DW
Hiwatari Avatar Iroh Hiwatari Avatar Iroh Male DM N/N DW N/DW
Hiwatari Avatar Jet Hiwatari Avatar Jet Male DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Avatar Mai Hiwatari Avatar Mai Femelle DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Avatar Ozai Hiwatari Avatar Ozai Male DM N/N
Hiwatari Avatar Pakku Hiwatari Avatar Pakku Male DM N/N
Hiwatari Avatar Roku Hiwatari Avatar Roku Male DM N/N DW N/N
Hiwatari Avatar Suki Hiwatari Avatar Suki Femelle DM N/N DW N/DW
Hiwatari Avatar Toph Hiwatari Avatar Toph Femelle
Hiwatari Avatar Zuko Hiwatari Avatar Zuko Male DM N/N DW N/DW