
progéniture: Alva spod Ďumbierafemale

Alva spod Ďumbiera
  • Genre:Femelle
  • Date de Naissance:2001-12-27
  • Date de Décès:2015-00-00
  • Numéro au Livre des Origines:SPKP 2613/01
  • NOUVEAU N°au Livre des Origines:NHSB 2375204
  • Autorisation de reproduire depuis:Inconnu
  • Dysplasie hanches:C

⁑ = Descendants

13 progéniture 1. génération

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Borus van Hiemrod 2005 Amacho van Hiemrod x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Bilagaana Mingau van Hiemrod 2005 Amacho van Hiemrod x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Bess van Hiemrod 2005 Amacho van Hiemrod x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Bendix Loki van Hiemrod 2005 Amacho van Hiemrod x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Beauty Kelly van Hiemrod 2005 Amacho van Hiemrod x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Baron Luna van Hiemrod 2005 Amacho van Hiemrod x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Cindy van Hiemrod 2007 Dysplasie hanches ADM N/DMDW N/NBrit Radov dvor x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Chicka van Hiemrod 2007 Dysplasie hanches ADW N/NBrit Radov dvor x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Chaka van Hiemrod 2007 Brit Radov dvor x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Cedo van Hiemrod 2007 DM N/NDW N/NBrit Radov dvor x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Ceda van Hiemrod 2007 Brit Radov dvor x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Dylan van Hiemrod 2008 Elan spod Ďumbiera x Alva spod Ďumbiera
gender Delan van Hiemrod 2008 Dysplasie hanches ADM N/NDW N/DWElan spod Ďumbiera x Alva spod Ďumbiera

48 progéniture 2. génération

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Dayah van Hiemrod 2009 Crying Wolf Merlin x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Elisah van Hiemrod 2009 DM N/DMDW N/NExor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Eliska van Hiemrod 2009 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Elnor van Hiemrod 2009 DM N/DMExor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Elroy van Hiemrod 2009 DM N/NDW N/NExor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Enya van Hiemrod 2009 DM N/NDW N/NExor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Errol van Hiemrod 2009 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Freki van Hiemrod 2012 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Farka van Hiemrod 2012 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Fiktor van Hiemrod 2012 Dysplasie hanches BDysplasie coudes 0-0DM N/DMExor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Finn van Hiemrod 2012 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Flynn van Hiemrod 2012 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Frida van Hiemrod 2012 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Frost van Hiemrod 2012 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Haya Van Hiemrod 2014 DM N/NDW N/NDodger Spirit of the Wolf x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Hinda Van Hiemrod 2014 Dodger Spirit of the Wolf x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Hirscha Van Hiemrod 2014 Dodger Spirit of the Wolf x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Hindy Van Hiemrod 2014 Dodger Spirit of the Wolf x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Holly Van Hiemrod 2014 Dodger Spirit of the Wolf x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Herod Van Hiemrod 2014 Dodger Spirit of the Wolf x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Hazor Van Hiemrod 2014 Dodger Spirit of the Wolf x Cindy van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Adora Axelle 2010 Veron z Molu Es x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Aegir Lupalba 2010 Veron z Molu Es x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba 2010 Dysplasie hanches A1Dysplasie coudes 0DW N/NVeron z Molu Es x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Alto Aquino 2010 Veron z Molu Es x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Alvera Ace 2010 Veron z Molu Es x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Arctic Ambra 2010 Veron z Molu Es x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Arek Adel 2010 Dysplasie hanches BDysplasie coudes 0DM N/NDW N/NVeron z Molu Es x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Argo Azur 2010 Veron z Molu Es x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Baenzy Bach 2011 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Bautz Bartok Boyar 2011 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Beau Lupalba Ixxy 2011 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Berliose Bolero 2011 DM N/NSnow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Bintang Bologna 2011 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Brilliant Bravo 2011 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Byuti Quinta Byou 2011 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Chaui Cheraw Chess 2012 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Chayenne Chagal 2012 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Cherokee Canzibe 2012 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Comanche Calimba 2012 Snow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono 2012 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0DM N/NDW N/NSnow Wolf od Úhoště x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Delaware d'Indy 2014 Xolotl z Peronówki x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Dieulafoy Bianchi 2014 Xolotl z Peronówki x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Dotame Draghi Dan 2014 Xolotl z Peronówki x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Dauphin Dukat 2014 Xolotl z Peronówki x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Dufay Donatoni 2014 Xolotl z Peronówki x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Dakota Debussy 2014 Xolotl z Peronówki x Chicka van Hiemrod
gender Vanbeetsehoven Dvořák Diabelli 2014 Xolotl z Peronówki x Chicka van Hiemrod

50 progéniture 3. génération

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Gabor van Hiemrod 2014 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0DM N/NDW N/NVanbeetsehoven Arek Adel x Farka van Hiemrod
gender Gilana van Hiemrod 2014 Vanbeetsehoven Arek Adel x Farka van Hiemrod
gender Isthan van Hiemrod 2015 Colin Grey Diamond x Farka van Hiemrod
gender Ischar van Hiemrod 2015 Colin Grey Diamond x Farka van Hiemrod
gender Imarah van Hiemrod 2015 Colin Grey Diamond x Farka van Hiemrod
gender Ilaysa van Hiemrod 2015 Colin Grey Diamond x Farka van Hiemrod
gender Arimminum Bagheera 2015 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes BlDM N/DMDW N/NFiktor van Hiemrod x Arimminum Blaze of Glory
gender Reno 2013 Vanbeetsehoven Cherokee Canzibe x Finn van Hiemrod
gender Pacha 2013 Vanbeetsehoven Cherokee Canzibe x Finn van Hiemrod
gender Quinta 2013 Vanbeetsehoven Cherokee Canzibe x Finn van Hiemrod
gender Tara 2013 Vanbeetsehoven Cherokee Canzibe x Finn van Hiemrod
gender Farah 2013 Vanbeetsehoven Cherokee Canzibe x Finn van Hiemrod
gender Jahiro Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Jakari Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Jango Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Jaro Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Juma Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0-0DM N/DMDW N/NDivo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Jacy Lacota Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Jakira Delphi Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Dysplasie hanches B1Dysplasie coudes 0/0DM N/DMDW N/NDivo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Jara Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Juri Spirit of the Wolf 2013 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Kenjiro Aris Spirit Of The Wolf 2015 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Keylam Spirit Of The Wolf 2015 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0DM N/DMDivo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Kayenne Spirit Of The Wolf 2015 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Kenya Spirit Of The Wolf 2015 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Kismet Kayal Spirit Of The Wolf 2015 Divo Spirit of the Wolf x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Lykos Spirit of the Wolf 2017 Secchi Lupusek x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Lahja Spirit of the Wolf 2017 Secchi Lupusek x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Lani Spirit of the Wolf 2017 Secchi Lupusek x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Lavina Luna Spirit of the Wolf 2017 Secchi Lupusek x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Lyra Lequoia Spirit of the Wolf 2017 Secchi Lupusek x Vanbeetsehoven Alaska Dan Lupalba
gender Balrog Wolf van Borat's Home 2014 Vanbeetsehoven Arek Adel x Adissa Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Banu Wolf van Borat's Home 2014 Vanbeetsehoven Arek Adel x Adissa Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Bahiyya Wolf van Borat's Home 2014 Vanbeetsehoven Arek Adel x Adissa Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Vanbeetsehoven Eminence Eyak 2015 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Edzard Enkoodabao 2015 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Elan Egea Insa 2015 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Eno Einaudi 2015 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Escher Eenouch 2015 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Enapy Eccard 2015 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Eriez Elgar Entiat 2015 Exor von der Wolfsranch x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Felán Fango Fux 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Faolan Wolf 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Ferran Finn 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Floyd Frisor 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Floris Fabian 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Faeror Fanelli 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Fayrfax Farkas 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Fuijta Ferrari 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono
gender Vanbeetsehoven Fauré Fenris 2016 Tranquilo Rayo de Sol Atropa Bella Donna x Vanbeetsehoven Crow Chinook Cono

64 progéniture 4. génération

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Aidan Legend of the wolf 2016 Gabor van Hiemrod x Maya des Gitans Noirs
gender Amor Legend of the wolf 2016 Gabor van Hiemrod x Maya des Gitans Noirs
gender Aron Legend of the wolf 2016 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes FREEDM N/NDW N/DWGabor van Hiemrod x Maya des Gitans Noirs
gender Azor Legend of the wolf 2016 Dysplasie hanches A Dysplasie coudes FreeDM N/NDW N/DWGabor van Hiemrod x Maya des Gitans Noirs
gender Dodger Borat van Borat's Home 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Bahiyya Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Ctibor Wolf van Borat's Home 2017 Gabor van Hiemrod x Adissa Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Coco Wolf van Borat's Home 2017 Gabor van Hiemrod x Adissa Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home 2017 Gabor van Hiemrod x Adissa Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Glenn von Westerode 2017 Gabor van Hiemrod x Sonnielion z Peronówki
gender Garuga von Westerode 2017 Gabor van Hiemrod x Sonnielion z Peronówki
gender Greif von Westerode 2017 Gabor van Hiemrod x Sonnielion z Peronówki
gender Gintaras von Westerode 2017 Gabor van Hiemrod x Sonnielion z Peronówki
gender Götz von Westerode 2017 Gabor van Hiemrod x Sonnielion z Peronówki
gender Björne nature of the wolf 2019 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes FreeDM N/DMDW N/DWGabor van Hiemrod x Stefannia-Steffi Nostro Branco
gender Banjo nature of the wolf 2019 Gabor van Hiemrod x Stefannia-Steffi Nostro Branco
gender Baiylo nature of the wolf 2019 Gabor van Hiemrod x Stefannia-Steffi Nostro Branco
gender Benji nature of the wolf 2019 Gabor van Hiemrod x Stefannia-Steffi Nostro Branco
gender Buffy nature of the wolf 2019 Gabor van Hiemrod x Stefannia-Steffi Nostro Branco
gender Baka nature of the wolf 2019 Gabor van Hiemrod x Stefannia-Steffi Nostro Branco
gender Beautifly nature of the wolf 2019 Gabor van Hiemrod x Stefannia-Steffi Nostro Branco
gender Jerry-Lee from Bandit´s World 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x For Me from Bandit's World
gender Joker from Bandit´s World 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x For Me from Bandit's World
gender Jasmine from Bandit´s World 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x For Me from Bandit's World
gender Jeopardy from Bandit´s World 2020 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0DM N/NDW N/NGabor van Hiemrod x For Me from Bandit's World
gender Joyce from Bandit´s World 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x For Me from Bandit's World
gender J-Lo from Bandit´s World 2020 Dysplasie hanches ADM N/NDW N/NGabor van Hiemrod x For Me from Bandit's World
gender Jaime from Bandit´s World 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x For Me from Bandit's World
gender Nashoba des Gitans Noirs 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x Rasine des Gitans Noirs
gender Pallaton des Gitans Noirs 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x Rasine des Gitans Noirs
gender Makuya des Gitans Noirs 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x Rasine des Gitans Noirs
gender Kiyiya des Gitans Noirs 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x Rasine des Gitans Noirs
gender Kajika des Gitans Noirs 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x Rasine des Gitans Noirs
gender Manipi des Gitans Noirs 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x Rasine des Gitans Noirs
gender Maska des Gitans Noirs 2020 Gabor van Hiemrod x Rasine des Gitans Noirs
gender Andor 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x Aayla nature of the wolf
gender Aram 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x Aayla nature of the wolf
gender Ayara 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x Aayla nature of the wolf
gender Brezno des Gitans Noirs 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x The Black Sea Wolfdog Gee
gender Nitra des Gitans Noirs 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x The Black Sea Wolfdog Gee
gender Zilina des Gitans Noirs 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x The Black Sea Wolfdog Gee
gender Tmava des Gitans Noirs 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x The Black Sea Wolfdog Gee
gender Banska des Gitans Noirs 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x The Black Sea Wolfdog Gee
gender Stara des Gitans Noirs 2021 Gabor van Hiemrod x The Black Sea Wolfdog Gee
gender Arimminum Wish Come True 2019 Garon z Blatnických vinic x Arimminum Bagheera
gender Arimminum Wings of Freedom 2019 Garon z Blatnických vinic x Arimminum Bagheera
gender Arimminum Wizard Spell 2019 Garon z Blatnických vinic x Arimminum Bagheera
gender Arimminum Wonder Grey of Nature 2019 Garon z Blatnických vinic x Arimminum Bagheera
gender Iain Zamjin The Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2019 Dysplasie hanches A1Dysplasie coudes 0DM N/NDW N/NJuma Spirit of the Wolf x Olinka Kati-vlčí mak
gender Indira The Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2019 Juma Spirit of the Wolf x Olinka Kati-vlčí mak
gender Ilinca Roza The Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2019 Juma Spirit of the Wolf x Olinka Kati-vlčí mak
gender Indian Summer The Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2019 Juma Spirit of the Wolf x Olinka Kati-vlčí mak
gender Ilenia The Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2019 Juma Spirit of the Wolf x Olinka Kati-vlčí mak
gender Ilayda Freya The Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2019 Juma Spirit of the Wolf x Olinka Kati-vlčí mak
gender Ilaria The Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2019 Juma Spirit of the Wolf x Olinka Kati-vlčí mak
gender Aramis Vom Bayerischen Jura 2018 Elodin Šedý poklad x Jakira Delphi Spirit of the Wolf
gender Aracho Vom Bayerischen Jura 2018 Elodin Šedý poklad x Jakira Delphi Spirit of the Wolf
gender Aspro Vom Bayerischen Jura 2018 Elodin Šedý poklad x Jakira Delphi Spirit of the Wolf
gender Asteri Vom Bayerischen Jura 2018 Dysplasie hanches A/ADysplasie coudes 0/0DM N/NDW N/NElodin Šedý poklad x Jakira Delphi Spirit of the Wolf
gender Athena Vom Bayerischen Jura 2018 Elodin Šedý poklad x Jakira Delphi Spirit of the Wolf
gender Auri Vom Bayerischen Jura 2018 Elodin Šedý poklad x Jakira Delphi Spirit of the Wolf
gender Gad Gahlim Grey Diamond 2018 Keylam Spirit Of The Wolf x Ylva z Peronówki
gender Gaven Guydion Grey Diamond 2018 Keylam Spirit Of The Wolf x Ylva z Peronówki
gender Gael Gardis Grey Diamond 2018 Keylam Spirit Of The Wolf x Ylva z Peronówki
gender Garcia Galice Grey Diamond 2018 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0DM N/NDW N/NKeylam Spirit Of The Wolf x Ylva z Peronówki

46 progéniture 5. génération

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Chaitan Legend of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Cerberus Legend of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Chouca Legend of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Cullan Legend of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Cuinto Legend of the wolf 2019 Dysplasie hanches BDysplasie coudes 0DM N/NDW N/DWAzor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Collin Legend of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Calipso Legend of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Callisto Legend of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Cuinti Legend of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Calipso Legend of The Wolf nature of the wolf 2019 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Diego Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Dichali Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Dastan Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Dragonfly Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Daily Diamond Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender Dutches Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Glock Pack Cara Concita
gender El Chapo Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender Emilio Escobar Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender El Lupo Fenrir Legend of the wolf 2021 Dysplasie hanches HD ADysplasie coudes FreeDM N/NDW N/NAzor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender El Camino Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender El Padrino Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender Elena Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender Esperanza Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender Estrella Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender Evelia Legend of the wolf 2021 Azor Legend of the wolf x Arimminum Noushin
gender Elmar Wolf van Borat's Home 2021 Benji-Newton von den Ruhrpottwölfen x Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Emir Wolf van Borat's Home 2021 Benji-Newton von den Ruhrpottwölfen x Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Emilio Wolf van Borat's Home 2021 Benji-Newton von den Ruhrpottwölfen x Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Ezira Wolf van Borat's Home 2021 Benji-Newton von den Ruhrpottwölfen x Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Esra Wolf van Borat's Home 2021 Benji-Newton von den Ruhrpottwölfen x Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Elani Wolf van Borat's Home 2021 Benji-Newton von den Ruhrpottwölfen x Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Elza Wolf van Borat's Home 2021 Benji-Newton von den Ruhrpottwölfen x Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Emari Wolf van Borat's Home 2021 Benji-Newton von den Ruhrpottwölfen x Chanel Wolf van Borat's Home
gender Artos Originaly 2024 Artaios Malá Bosorka x Jeopardy from Bandit´s World
gender Amos Originaly 2024 Artaios Malá Bosorka x Jeopardy from Bandit´s World
gender Atreu Originaly 2024 Artaios Malá Bosorka x Jeopardy from Bandit´s World
gender Apollo Originaly 2024 Artaios Malá Bosorka x Jeopardy from Bandit´s World
gender Arwen Originaly 2024 Artaios Malá Bosorka x Jeopardy from Bandit´s World
gender Athena Originaly 2024 Artaios Malá Bosorka x Jeopardy from Bandit´s World
gender Akyra Originaly 2024 Artaios Malá Bosorka x Jeopardy from Bandit´s World
gender Amora Originaly 2024 Artaios Malá Bosorka x Jeopardy from Bandit´s World
gender Aaret 2021 Taabernakkelin Mr Matador x Asteri Vom Bayerischen Jura
gender Arni 2021 Taabernakkelin Mr Matador x Asteri Vom Bayerischen Jura
gender Artimus 2021 Taabernakkelin Mr Matador x Asteri Vom Bayerischen Jura
gender Alvina 2021 Taabernakkelin Mr Matador x Asteri Vom Bayerischen Jura
gender Avilla 2021 Taabernakkelin Mr Matador x Asteri Vom Bayerischen Jura

9 progéniture 6. génération

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Apache 2022 Cerberus Legend of the wolf x Ayuka nature of the wolf
gender Conri 2022 Cerberus Legend of the wolf x Ayuka nature of the wolf
gender Ulfreda 2022 Cerberus Legend of the wolf x Ayuka nature of the wolf
gender Adolpha 2022 Cerberus Legend of the wolf x Ayuka nature of the wolf
gender Eyolf 2022 Cerberus Legend of the wolf x Ayuka nature of the wolf
gender Miysha's Ranch Walhalla 2023 Cuinto Legend of the wolf x Catalina z Karpatskej stráže
gender Miysha's Ranch Willow 2023 Cuinto Legend of the wolf x Catalina z Karpatskej stráže
gender Miysha's Ranch Walkure 2023 Cuinto Legend of the wolf x Catalina z Karpatskej stráže
gender Miysha's Ranch Wakanda 2023 Cuinto Legend of the wolf x Catalina z Karpatskej stráže