
progéniture: Buckmale

-Andrea Benazzoli-

  • Genre:Male
  • Date de Naissance:2011-10-25
  • Numéro au Livre des Origines:LO124760

⁑ = Descendants

5 progéniture 1. génération

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Luke 2014 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0DM N/NDW N/NBuck x Ashila
gender Attila 2014 Buck x Ashila
gender Anouk 2014 Buck x Ashila
gender Diana 2014 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0Buck x Ashila
gender Alaska 2014 Buck x Ashila

8 progéniture 2. génération

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender Kronos Lakewolf 2018 Luke x Wahya of the Stormy Seas
gender Kasper Lakewolf 2018 Luke x Wahya of the Stormy Seas
gender Ken Lakewolf 2018 Luke x Wahya of the Stormy Seas
gender Kahless Lakewolf 2018 Dysplasie hanches ADysplasie coudes 0Luke x Wahya of the Stormy Seas
gender Kruge Lakewolf 2018 Luke x Wahya of the Stormy Seas
gender Kes Lakewolf 2018 Dysplasie hanches BDysplasie coudes 0Luke x Wahya of the Stormy Seas
gender Kira Lakewolf 2018 Luke x Wahya of the Stormy Seas
gender Kendra Lakewolf 2018 Luke x Wahya of the Stormy Seas