
progenie: Connor from Bandit's Worldmale

Connor from Bandit's World
  • Sesso:Maschio
  • Data di nascita:2008-02-08
  • Data di morte:2019-03-23
  • Num. registrazione:VDH 08/116 0349
  • Riproduttore selezionato dal:2009
  • HD:B1
  • Mielopatia degenerativa:N/DM
  • Nanismo:N/N
  • Ipertermia maligna:N/N
  • Esame oculare (più recente):2012

⁑ = Discendenti

30 progenie 1. generazione

descedants Dog Year Birth HD ED DM DW Father x Mother
gender A.-Magnus the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Marny the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Melody the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Mercedes the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Merlin the Wolf I.Lord of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Milena the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Miles the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Minerva the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Mirabell the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender A.-Morgan the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2009 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Basilea the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2011 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Beatrix the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2011 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Ben the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2011 DM N/DMDW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Bogdan the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2011 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Bonita the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2011 DM N/DMDW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Bozena the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2011 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Brix the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2011 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Brixius Jack the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2011 Connor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Camilo the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2013 DW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Ari-Ella Anjel od Bokryza
gender Cedric the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2013 DW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Ari-Ella Anjel od Bokryza
gender Chrysanthus the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2013 DM N/DMDW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Ari-Ella Anjel od Bokryza
gender Chandra the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2013 DW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Ari-Ella Anjel od Bokryza
gender Can the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2013 Connor from Bandit's World x Ari-Ella Anjel od Bokryza
gender Conan the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2013 Connor from Bandit's World x Ari-Ella Anjel od Bokryza
gender El Cid Grey Diamond 2014 Connor from Bandit's World x Ylva z Peronówki
gender Eddi the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2015 DW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Elvis the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2015 DW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Ezra the Wolf I. Lord of Lasvegas 2015 DM N/DMDW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Emmi the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2015 DW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf
gender Esma the Wolf I. Lady of Lasvegas 2015 DM N/NDW N/NConnor from Bandit's World x Feela Spirit of the Wolf